Coronavirus & The Gutters Guy

Contact Free Gutter Cleaning

We have changed the way we do business in light of the Coronavirus outbreak.  The Gutters Guy will now work contact free to all of our customers until further notice.

Our commitment to both customers and partners is to execute our service in the most effective and professional way possible to reduce the risk of passing on the virus.  The method we have devised means that we can still carryout a gutter clean even if you are self-isolating.

  • We will contact you the night before the job to tell you we are OK and still coming to do the job.
  • We will talk to you about the best ways to pay
  • We will call you upon arrival and let you know how we are going to proceed
  • We will not enter your premises
  • We will change our gloves before each job
  • We have a choice of payment methods that are contact free
  • We will email photos to you on the evening of the job

The Gutters Guy continue to diligently monitor the situation and will follow the advice of Public Health England to ensure the health and well-being of our customers, partners and staff.